Rumor has it this is Sarah McLachlan's favorite ESV verse...
Prov. 30:26 ESV “the ants are a people not strong, yet they provide their food in the summer; rock badgers are a people not mighty, yet they make their homes in the cliffs;”
Yeah, ESV is generally still my go to translation. I switched to it after reading it and feeling like things were standing out to me in ways that they hadn't before. It also, gave me a better idea of what the Greek or Hebrew were like. The problem is that some verses, like the one above, feel like the translator didn't quite finish their work. Some combination of getting older, not studying Biblical languages as much, and working for a Bible translation organization has made these issues in the ESV stand out more.
Yeah, ESV is generally still my go to translation. I switched to it after reading it and feeling like things were standing out to me in ways that they hadn't before. It also, gave me a better idea of what the Greek or Hebrew were like. The problem is that some verses, like the one above, feel like the translator didn't quite finish their work. Some combination of getting older, not studying Biblical languages as much, and working for a Bible translation organization has made these issues in the ESV stand out more.