NIV ReadEasy Bible
The NIV ReadEasy Bible is a compact, large-print bible with an attractively simple faux-leather cover. There is no additional content besides the two-column format of the 2011 NIV text. It is designed to lay flat when open.
I really like the combination between its compact size and large-print format as large-print bibles usually are much more bulky. However, because of its thickness, it doesn't lay flat quite as nicely as thinline bibles do. When, preaching from this Bible, I found it was always easy to find my place in the text from the pulpit. As a side note, I don't like that the words of Jesus are printed in red letters because it might confuse readers by leading them to believe those words are verbatim quotations and/or that they are more important than the rest of Holy Scripture.
My favorite thing about this bible is the text itself. The NIV's translation philosophy is often criticized by those who prefer a more formal, word-for-word translation (i.e. NASB, RSV, ESV). Critics argue that the NIV fails to stick as closely as possible to the original languages. However, more wooden translations tend to become an obscure form of English as they try to mimic the grammar and syntax of the original languages. The original meaning of scripture can therefore become ironically difficult to understand for the modern English-speaker. The NIV, I think, is successful in maintaining this original meaning in the kind of English the average person uses in everyday conversation.
I would recommend this Bible to anyone.
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